Colleen Autry
Vice President of District Operations 

Mike Bozovich, CPA
Chief Financial Officer

Maggie Crane
Senior Vice President, Public Affairs

Ben Daugherty
Operations and Sustainability Manager

Rachel Deffenbaugh
Strategic Initiatives Manager

Marlon Donald, CPA
Accounting Manager

 Sam Fiorello
President and CEO

Peggy Hermes
Programs Manager, District Experience

Leslie Heusted
Vice President of District Experience

Jacob Hillen
Financial Analyst

Tameka Jones
Public Affairs Manager

Rachel Kirchoff
Executive Assistant and Assistant Board Secretary

Wendy McKethan
Team Capacity Coordinator

Ben Molina
Entrepreneurship Programs Manager

Gabriela Ramírez-Arellano
Vice President of Entrepreneurship

 Brian Russell
Vice President of Development

Natalie Self
Senior Vice President, Equitable Economic Impact

Diana Smith
Workforce Systems Coordinator

Joel VanHazinga, BS
Accounting Associate



Cortex Offices

4240 Duncan Avenue, Suite 200

St. Louis, MO 63110

(314) 531-4500